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Garbage Service

Trash pick-up is available to the residents of Cal Pines living within the CSD's district boundaries. The monthly rate is $26.02 for the lower Lake Units and $33.56 for the Upper Hill Units.
May contain: 33 Gallon trash can
The District will accept cans up to 33 Gallons. Anything over will result in extra charges.
Trash Day
Garbage pick up for Lower Unit residents (Lake Units & Castle Rock) is every Monday. The Upper Hill Units will be picked up on Tuesdays. Christmas is the ONLY holiday that affects the trash schedule. If  Christmas Day falls on a regular pick-up day, trash will not be picked up until the following day. (Any other holiday will be treated as a regular pick-up day.) There are weeks during the winter that prevent the trash truck from making it all the way to some of our hill unit locations. When this happens, we do not charge extra for the next week's pickup if you are over the allowed pickup amount. We also allow those customers to bring the garbage to us, as long as they check in with the office during the drop-off. 


May contain: tin


  • You are allowed 2 (two), 33 Gallon trash cans (CSD does not provide cans), weighing no more than 35 lbs. each, per week for trash.
  • All extra cans will be charged to the customer at a rate of $3.00 each. 
  • Garbage must be out by 7:00 A.M. on the morning of your scheduled pick-up day. CSD Employees start the trash routes at 7:00 A.M. but the time of pick up may not always be the same for any one customer.
  • It is important to have it out by 7 A.M. to ensure your location will not be missed.  If the garbage truck passes by a residence, and there is no garbage out, you will have to wait until the following week for your garbage to be picked up. Our employees can not turn around to pick up trash that was not out on time. 
  • ONLY household garbage will be accepted (NO cat litter, tree limbs, grass, leaves, microwaves, batteries, TVs, computers…etc.)
  • Please do not tie your trash cans to anything, doing so makes it impossible for our employees to lift the cans to dump them into the trash truck.
  • During winter months when rain, snow, and freezing temperatures are expected, it is a good idea to poke holes in the bottom of your trash cans to drain any rain or melted snow that could potentially get inside any cans and freeze. If household garbage is frozen and sticks to the inside of a trash can(s) (to the point that it will not come out when the can is lifted and tipped upside down), our employees will not reach into ANY can(s) to pull out the frozen garbage. This is to ensure the safety of our employees.
  • It is best practice to keep the lid the can comes with and use it regularly.


Our employees that work on the trash truck truly appreciate all our customers who have been, and continue to be, so courteous and understanding!!
May contain: truck, transportation, trailer truck, and vehicle


Below is the District's Resolution 88-10, which pertains to Garbage Service.

resolution 88-10 Garbage.pdf