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May contain: advertisement, poster, helmet, clothing, glove, and person
app for fire.pdf

Have you noticed an increase in your water bill? Now is the time to start checking for water leaks around your home! Something as small as a leaky toilet can end up using hundreds of gallons of water.

May contain: advertisement, poster, brochure, flyer, and paper
May contain: brochure, advertisement, flyer, poster, paper, person, and human
May contain: poster, advertisement, paper, flyer, brochure, and text


Dont Trash Your Drain brochure


Click the links below to view the Consumer Confidence Reports for California Pines. These are a brief water quality report. It will include any contaminants found and our compliance with drinking water regulations, along with some educational material. 
CCR 2016.pdf2017 Consumer Confidence Report.docx